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How to Not Get Overwhelmed During Wedding Planning

Let’s be honest; planning a wedding takes a lot of work. It is easy to look at everything that needs to be completed and get overwhelmed. Here are five tips to keep you from getting overwhelmed while planning your wedding.

1) Breakdown your planning checklist into smaller, simpler tasks. While your planning checklist may say “Book DJ” you will quickly find that booking your DJ (or any vendor) is not as simple as the checklist makes it sound. You can easily break this task down into subtasks. For example, to book your DJ you will need to 1 – research DJ’s in your area 2 – Inquire with and interview the top 2-3 DJ’s you liked best 3 – sign contract and pay retainer with your chosen DJ. So while your checklist has booking your DJ as just one overall task to complete you can keep overwhelming feelings from creeping in by breaking down a task into easily doable subtasks.

2) Do not wait till the last minute! Your wedding day may seem far off but the months will go by faster than you think. Nothing says getting overwhelmed like procrastinating and having to try to fit what should be months of planning into just a few weeks. Create a planning timeline that works for you and your schedule.

3) Let’s others help you. Is there a task you simply have no interest in or is causing you to feel overwhelmed just thinking about it? Ask a family member or friend to help you! Wedding planning does not have to be a one woman show; include trusted individuals who can take some of the load off your shoulders.

4) Don’t let planning take over your life. Remember that planning timeline from earlier? Make sure you include some downtime in it so that you can enjoy the engagement period. Wedding planning should not become the most important thing in your life. Give yourself a break once in a while to just relax.

5) Stay Organized. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you do not know where any of your documents are and the planning process has broken down into chaos. Have a planning checklist, a planning timeline, and a central area where you keep all documents, contracts, photos, etc.

Wedding planning does not have to be an unorganized, overwhelming experience. Get everything in order and enjoy planning one of the biggest days of your life!

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